A bit more about Me:

Coming from the audiovisual communication field, I discovered a passion for grahpic and UI design, and a true love for coding. I enjoy building projects from sratch, one block of code at a time.

I value simple and minimalistic structures with clean design patterns and cohesive branding style, built with thoughtful interactions.

This portfolio showcases all the skills I’ve taught myselft this past year to build this website from the ground up, from wireframe design, iterations and prototype to the final code.

Let's talk

Dev Tools

  • Codepen
  • Github
  • VS Code

Design Tools

  • Figma
  • Balsamiq
  • Zeplin
  • Wix Editor X

What is my approach

A simplified process

research icon

01 Research

Understanding the client’s pain points and requirements is the first step of my process.

design icon

02 Design stage

My goal is not just to achieve a pretty design but a functional and intuitive layout based on research insights.

development icon

03 Development

I use the final design as the building blocks of my code to ensure a smooth user experience across all devices.